Hiking Paradise Jenesien

Hiking suggestions with a stop at the mountain inn Lanzenschuster

From the sports field of Jenesien across the Salten to the Lanzenschuster inn

Above the village of Jenesien, next to the sports field, there is a large paid parking lot where we can park our vehicle.
From here, we start on foot towards the Edelweiss inn and continue hiking across the larch meadows of the Salten (= No. E5 or 1) to the Schermoos parking lot (about 5 km). From Schermoos, the trail continues over the hiking path to the Fahrer pond, to the Oberfahrer farm, and to the Lanzenschuster inn.

For the way back, we recommend the same hiking route (or via Gschnofer Stall). 

Historical Educational Trail with Kampidell Circuit

Start: Lanzenschuster Inn

The historical educational trail starts right at the Lanzenschuster farm (hiking trail No. 8) and was opened in May 2014 by the elementary school students of Flaas
It offers insights into 8 different epochs of our era over a distance of 1.2 km - Ice Age, Stone Age, Roman times, and then leads to the nearby hamlet of „Kampidell“.
From Kampidell, the hiking trail continues on the left-hand side over the road to a toll parking lot of the Jenesien municipality. Right after the parking lot, a hiking trail turns left (No 5) and leads over
larch meadows with enchanting panoramas - later through the fragrant forest back to Lanzenschuster.

Total walking time: 1.5 h

Variant: The hike can also be started from the toll parking lot of Kampidell of the Jenesien municipality.

Hiking Trail-Schermoos-Driver's Pond-Lanzenschuster

From the Schermoos parking lot, we turn right on the side of the state road and follow the signs to the left through the forest after about 100 m: After about 1 km, we reach the Driver's Pond.
After this interesting natural phenomenon (where you can find many small animals, e.g., tadpoles in spring/summer), the trail turns left after the large larch tree east of the pond - and leads through the idyllic faction pasture directly to the Oberfahrer farm. From there, we reach the Lanzenschuster farm via the road:

Hike for about 30 minutes:
For hikers with strollers, we recommend the road.

Enjoy your walk and hike!

Spring hike to the flower meadows

The hike starts from the free forest parking lot Kircheben above Mölten: We first follow the signs to Möltner Kaser via hiking trail No. 15. Passing the water catchment basin, we cross the road after about 20 minutes, but still remain on trail No. 15. Below the Sattlerhütte, we turn right (No. 17) and hike up to the weather cross. Here, we take our first short break: We are greeted by a breathtaking mountain panorama and the first crocuses.
About 100 m further uphill– along the E5, turn right - we find more carpets of crocus meadows! Returning to the weather cross, we now hike (No. 17A) to the Lanzenschusterhof - a rural delight mile: There, we can refresh ourselves with fresh dishes. Afterwards, we continue our way towards Fahrer Weiher: We turn right at the Oberfahrerhof onto the path - No. 17 B.
We walk past the Fahrer Weiher, leave the meadows and now enter the forest. In the forest, we switch to hiking trail No. 1. Over the so-called „Rindelwiesen“ (No. 1, a detour to the Linger-Alm is possible here) we hike again through the forest path over hiking trail No. 15, from there to the water catchment basin and back to the parking lot Kircheben.

Total hiking time: about 3 - 3 ½ hours